
Maximize Your Connection
Get a Strong, Steady Wi-Fi Signal in EVERY Room in Your Home!!
Wednesday, August 3, 2020 | By Joseph Gemma

Just a few months ago, my family moved into a new home. Everything was great – except for our Wi-Fi network!
You see, the Wi-Fi signal would be super strong in some rooms. Reception was great, with a solid, steady signal whenever you tried to use it.
But unfortunately, it wasn’t like that in every room. For example, my daughter’s bedroom got a perfect Wi-Fi connection, but as for my son’s bedroom, well… not so much. In fact, it was pretty difficult to get any sort of connection in his bedroom.
There were several other “Wi-Fi Dead Zones” in our house, too. I knew if I wanted to keep everybody happy, something would have to change. So I started researching the cause (and solutions!) for standard Wi-Fi problems.
Weak Wi-Fi Signal = Unhappy Family Members

As you might imagine, our son was not very happy (at all!) when our family moved into our new home. The Wi-Fi in his bedroom was so weak, he’d have to move into the living room to get any sort of decent Wi-Fi connection.
And to be honest, my wife wasn’t exactly thrilled with the Wi-Fi in our new home, either. She liked to watch recipe videos on YouTube while she cooked, but unfortunately, the Wi-Fi connection in our kitchen was barely even usable.
I took my laptop into each of the troubled rooms to test the strength of the Wi-Fi signal. It was true – in my home office (where the modem was located), I’d get a full four bars of Wi-Fi reception. But once I’d try connecting in one of the problem areas, I was lucky if I could even get a single reception bar.
I couldn’t believe it, but it was true! Some of the rooms in our home were complete Wi-Fi dead spots. It was almost like they didn’t have Wi-Fi at all…
The Search for THE FIX for Our Wi-Fi Problems…
I tried researching this stuff online, but frankly, I wasn’t making much in the way of progress.
You see, I’m not exactly a tech expert. Quite the opposite, in fact. I did a ton of research, but to be completely honest, a lot of the stuff I read was just way over my head. After all, I’m just a guy who works at an advertising agency, not some kind of computer programmer!
Thankfully, my daughter really is a whiz with computers. I hate trying to fix computer problems, but my daughter is one of those people who actually enjoys it. I don’t know where she got this ability from, but it certainly wasn’t me!
I’m sure you know how kids can be. When I told my daughter that my son’s room was incapable of getting a solid Wi-Fi connection, she said that it was “hilarious” – my kids have the kind of sibling rivalry that often puts them at each other’s throats – but once I told her that the Wi-Fi problems were making life difficult for her mom, too, my daughter promised she would find the solution to our Wi-Fi problems.
Let me tell you, I was really hoping she was right. Heaven knows I hadn’t been able to find a solution on my own…
Our Wi-Fi Became Super Strong, and It Couldn’t Have Been Easier!
I thought I’d hear back from my daughter in a few days, maybe a week – so you can imagine my surprise when she announced that she’d discovered the solution just a few hours later.
It turns out that my daughter has thousands of followers on her social media accounts, and many of them are real tech experts just like she is. So within just a few hours, she had received a couple hundred responses from real tech experts from around the world.
She got a TON of suggestions on how to fix our Wi-Fi, but by far, the one that got the highest number of recommendations was a device called the RangeXTD.

All you do is plug it into a wall socket and it can extend your Wi-Fi range as far as you want it to.
I told my daughter I needed to order one right away, but my daughter said “already done, dad – it should be arriving within a week!”
I don’t know how my daughter got so good at this stuff. She’s really smart when it comes to this kind of thing. She must have taken after her mother – she sure as heck didn’t get that kind of smarts from me! 😆
RangeXTD Made our Wi-Fi Signal as Strong as an Ox!
The RangeXTD arrived in the mail within a week. I was going to wait for my daughter to set it up for me, but the instructions looked so easy, I decided to try setting it up myself.
I read the instructions that came with the RangeXTD, and thankfully, the whole setup process couldn’t have been easier. All I did was plug the RangeXTD into a wall socket in the room with the weakest Wi-Fi signal. This would tell me right away whether the RangeXTD really could measure up to its claims.
Of course, I started off in my son’s bedroom. Before the RangeXTD, you were lucky if you could even get a single bar of Wi-Fi reception in there. But once I’d installed the RangeXTD, my son’s bedroom got a full four bars of Wi-Fi reception!
I couldn’t believe it!
Next, I decided to test the Wi-Fi connection in our kitchen. To my absolute shock, I got a full three bars of reception in there, too! It was hard to believe, but RangeXTD was delivering a full, strong, steady, and solid Wi-Fi connection in the kitchen, too!
Quite honestly, I was completely BLOWN AWAY by the change that RangeXTD had made! It felt like it had put our Wi-Fi network “on steroids” – it literally supercharged our Wi-Fi network!
Long story short, everyone is finally happy. My son gets great Wi-Fi speeds in his bedroom. My wife is able to watch any streaming video in the kitchen, and at full HD resolution, too. And perhaps best of all, my daughter was impressed that I was easily able to install RangeXTD all on my own. “I’ll make a tech geek out of you, too, Dad!” she promised me.
I never would have believed that a device so simple could make such a profound difference in our Wi-Fi network… and with no additional monthly service charges, either!
If you ask me, the RangeXTD is a total miracle. It took a home that had TERRIBLE Wi-Fi and turned it into a Wi-Fi SUPER ZONE.
At such an affordable price (and SO easy to install!), I give the RangeXTD my absolute highest recommendation. If only every problem in life had such a quick, easy, affordable solution!
After several months, our Wi-Fi is still running just as strong as the day I installed RangeXTD. If your Wi-Fi network is weak or in need of some help, RangeXTD is the best solution you could ever hope for. And now, the company that makes RangeXTD is offering a special, reduced-price, introductory offer. If you have problems with your Wi-Fi connection, I’d jump at the chance to buy RangeXTD at such a bargain price. You DON’T have to deal with a crummy Wi-Fi connection for even a day more – not when RangeXTD is available!
50% discount on this product - Get yours during the launch phase through this link

RangeXTD is Selling Out Fast!
People across the country are looking to increase their spotty Wi-Fi coverage and RangeXTD is running out of stock! In order to ensure you to get your RangeXTD, act NOW! Supplies are severely limited!